
Tourism New Zealand

National Campaign











The Challenge

Backpackers and freedom campers were coming to Aotearoa and literally ‘pooping’ in places they shouldn’t be, and generally not respecting this great land. This created a backlash from the NZ public.

The Insight

When people come to a country, you can’t tell them how to behave, you need to make them feel part of something bigger; a legacy that they can contribute to, giving them a deep sense of belonging.

The Action

We created a multi-layered campaign based on kaitiakitanga, visitors becoming ‘guardians of this place’. To get this message across we created online video, bespoke social content and special merchandise with Te Reo messaging visitors could learn and cherish. Our media team also created a bespoke free broadband network to entice campers to camp in the right places. From this we could then track them across the country and keep the positive messaging coming to their devices.

The Results

This was a massive success, picking up both media and creative effectiveness awards at the Effies and Beacons, and ran in consecutive years due to how well it worked.

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